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ABS-Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene: A rigid black plastic pipe used for Drain, waste, and vent lines.
Aerator : A device screwed into the end of a faucet spout that mixes air into flowing water, and controls flow to reduce splashing. It sometimes contains a baffle to reduce flow to 2.5 gpm.
Air Lock : Blockage in the flow of liquid, esp. on the suction side of a pump caused by an air bubble in the line.
Angle Stop : A shutoff valve between the water pipes and a faucet. Its inlet connects to the water supply pipe in a wall, and its outlet angles up 90 degrees toward the faucet. These are usually used to shut off water to a fixture in case of an emergency repair rather than daily usage.
Anode Rod : A sacrificial rod installed in a water heater that protects the tank from corrosion, helping to extend the life of the tank.
Anti-Siphon : Preventive device for the backflow of liquid into a system. Used on sprinkler systems to prevent water from trickling back into the supply that is feeding it.


BTU : British Thermal Unit-A unit of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 lb. of water 1 degree Fahrenheit.
Back Flow Preventer : A device to prevent water from traveling from one system back into any part of the main distribution system, usually by siphoning, esp. into a potable water supply. This is generally required for sprinkler systems, handheld showers, pullout faucet spouts, kitchen sprayers, etc.
Back Pressure : Pressure that resists the flow of fluid in a piping system.
Backwater Valve : Sewer line valve that prevents sewage from flowing back into the house.
Ball Check Valve : A valve that uses a ball to seal against a seat to stop flow in one direction.
Ballcock : The fill valve that controls the flow of water from the water supply line into a gravity-operated toilet tank. It is controlled by a float mechanism that floats in the tank water. When the toilet is flushed, the float drops and opens the ballcock, releasing water into the tank and/or bowl. As the water in the tank is restored, the float rises and shuts off the ballcock when the tank is full.
Basin Wrench : A wrench with a long handle with jaws mounted on a swivel that allows the jaws to reach and handle nuts to fasten faucets to a previously installed sink.
Blowbag : A drain-cleaning device consisting of a rubber bladder with a hose fitting on one end and a nozzle on the other. The device attaches to a water hose and is inserted into a clogged drainpipe. As water is introduced, it expands to grip the pipe, and releases pulsating bursts of water through the nozzle, forcing water through the pipe to clear the obstruction.
Branch : Any part of a drain system other than the main, riser, or stack.
Branch Vent : A vent connecting one or more individual vents with a vent stack.


Catch Basin : Large underground container, with a grate on the top, for collection of storm water run-off. It catches or collects dirt and other debris and prevents them from polluting streams and lakes.
Centerset : Style of bathroom faucet having combined spout and handles, with handles 4 inches apart, center-to-center. Also a single-handle faucet installed on 4 inches center-to-center faucet holes.
Check Valve : A type of backflow preventer installed in a pipe run that allows water to flow in only one direction.
Circuit Vent : Plumbing drainage system vertical vent which is run from the last two traps on a horizontal drain line to the main vent stack of a building drainage system.
Cistern : Rainwater storage tank, often underground.
Cleanout Plug : A plug in a trap or drain pipe that provides access for the purpose of clearing an obstruction.
Closet : Toilet.
Closet Auger : A flexible rod with a curved end used to access the toilet’s built-in trap and remove clogs.
Closet Bend : A curved fitting mounted immediately below the toilet that connects the closet flange to the toilet drain.
Closet Flange : An anchoring ring that attaches to the closet bend and secured to the floor. The heads of closet bolts, used to secure the toilet in place, insert into slots in the closet flange.
Cock : A faucet or valve for regulating the flow of water.
Common Vent : Building drain system vertical vent which connects two or more fixture branches on the same level.
Compression Fitting : A kind of tubing or pipe connection where a nut, and then a sleeve or ferrule is placed over a copper or plastic tube and is compressed tightly around the tube as the nut is tightened, formin a positive grip and seal without soldering. Also a flexible connector that has a nut and gasket designed to attach directly to an SAE standard compression thread, without the use of a sleeve or ferrule.
Compression Valve : A type of valve that is often used for water faucets. It is opened or closed by raising or lowering a horizontal disk by a threaded stem.
Coupling : Vent pipe hood, which protects it from the elements.
Culvert : A pipe-like construction of concrete that passes under a road to allow drainage.


Desanco Fitting : A type of compression adapter that connects tubular brass fittings to PVC pipe.
Diaphragm : Flexible membrane in a valve that deflects down onto a rigid area of the valve body to regulate water flow from the supply lines. This eliminates the possibility of debris build-up within the valve.
Dip Tube : Tube inside the water heater that sends cold water to the bottom of the tank.
Direct Tap : Clamping device that allows a branch line to be drilled and tapped off a main line.
Discharge Tube : Outlet tube that connects a disposer or sump pump to the drain line.
Disposal Field : A series of trenches conveying the effluent from the septic tank laid in such a manner that the flow will be distributed with reasonable uniformity into natural soil.
Dishwasher Tailpiece : A flanged adapter connecting a basket strainer to the drainpipe with a dishwasher inlet.
Diverter : Valves which direct water to various outlets. They are used in showers, tubs, bidets, and sinks.
Drip Leg : A stub end pipe placed at a low point in the gas piping to collect condensate and permit its removal.
Drum Trap : An obsolete, non-vented drain lead or cast iron canister trap formerly used in sewer lines.
Duo Valve : A twin valve (hot & cold) with a single on/off lever used for washing machine boxes.


E. Coli : The common abbreviation of Escherichia Coli. One of the members of the coliform groups of bacteria indicating fecal contamination.
Earthquake Strap : A metal strap used to secure a water heater to the house frame or foundation.
Efficiency : A product’s ability to utilize input energy, expressed as a percentage.
Effluent : Septic system liquid waste.
Escutcheon : A decorative metal flange or trim shield beneath a faucet handle that covers the faucet stem and the hole in the fixture or wall.
Expansion Tank : A tank designed to absorb excess pressure due to thermal expansion (e.g. closed system).


Fall/Flow : The proper slope or pitch of a pipe for adequate drainage.
Female Fitting : A fitting that receives a pipe or fitting. A fitting into which another fitting is inserted.
Finish Plumbing : Installation of plumbing fixtures to make the system usable.
Flapper Valve : The part on the bottom of the toilet tank that opens to allow water to flow from the tank into the bowl.
Float Ball : The floating ball connected to the ballcock inside the tank that rises or falls with changing water levels in the tank, and actuates or shuts off the ballcock as needed.
Floor Flange : A fitting that connects a toilet to a floor drain.
Flushometer : Toilet valve that automatically shuts off after it meters a certain amount of water flow.
Flushometer Tank System : Toilet flushing system that uses supply water pressure to compress water to provide a pressurized flush as opposed to a gravity flush.
Flux : Paste applied to copper pipes and fittings before soldering to help the fusion process and prevent oxidation.
Footprint : The area of floor space taken up by a water heater or other appliance.
French Drain : A covered ditch containing a layer of fitted or loose stone or other pervious material.


Gas Cock : Plug valve installed the main gas line and an appliance.
Gas Control : Device used to regulate gas pressure on a water heater.
Gate : A device that controls the flow in a conduit, pipe, or tunnel.
Gate Diverter : The pop-up lever on a tub faucet that activates the diverter valve.
Gravity Operated Toilet : A toilet that relies on the natural downward pressure of water in a toilet tank to flush the toilet effectively.
Gray Water : Waste water from sinks, showers, and bathtubs, but not toilets.


Horizontal Branch : Lateral drain pipes that run from plumbing fixtures to the waste stack in a building or in the soil.
Horizontal Run : The horizontal distance between the point where fluid enters a pipe and the point at which it leaves.
Hose Bibb : An outdoor faucet, also used to supply washing machines.
House Trap : U-shaped fitting with two adjacent cleanout plugs visible at floor level if main drain runs under floor.
Hubless (No-Hub) : Cast iron drainage pipe with neoprene gaskets and clamps.
Hydronic : System of forced hot water.


Indirect Wastes : Waste pipe used to convey gray water by discharging it into a plumbing fixture such as a floor drain.
Instantaneous Water Heater : A type of water heater that heats water as it flows through a heat exchanger coil.


Jet : An orifice or other feature of a toilet that is designed to direct water into the trapway quickly to start the siphon action.
Johnni-bolts : Closet bolts, used to mount toilet bowls to the closet flange.


Knockout Plug : PVC test plug.


Lavatory (Lav) : A fixed bowl or basin with running water and drainage for washing. Bathroom sink.
Leach Field : Porous soil area, through which septic tank leach lines run, emptying the treated waste.
Leader : Pipe carrying rainwater to the ground or sewer.
Lock Nut : Nut fitted into a piece of pipe and screwed onto another pipe to join the two pieces


Main : The primary artery of supply of the water supply or drain system in which all the branches connect. In the case of drains, known as the Main Vent.
Male Threads : Threads on the outside of pipes and fittings.
Malleable Fittings : Fittings made of metal which is soft and pliable.
Manifold : A fitting that connects a number of branches to the main; serves as a distribution point.
Mechanicals : The wiring, plumbing and heating and cooling systems in a building; also the components with moving parts such as furnaces, plumbing fixtures, etc.
Multi-Stage Pump : A pump that has more than one impeller.


Nipple : A short length of pipe installed between couplings or other fittings.
No-Hub Connector : A connector for no-hub iron pipe consisting of a rubber sleeve and a stainless steel band secured by hose clamps. A variation, a neoprene sleeve with two adjustable steel bands, is used for connecting dissimilar materials, as when connecting new plastic pipe to an existing cast-iron drainpipe.


O-Ring : Round rubber washer used to create a watertight seal, chiefly around valve stems.
Oakum : Loosely woven hemp rope that has been treated with oil or other waterproofing agent; it is used to caulk joints in a bell and spigot pipe and fittings.
Outlet Sewer : Pipe section in a septic system which runs between the septic tank and the drainage field.


PVC : Polyvinyl chloride. A rigid white or cream-colored plastic pipe used in non-pressure systems, such as drainage, waste, and vent systems.
Packing : Fibrous material that is used on faucets to prevent leaks.
Packing Nut : Nut that holds the stem of a faucet in position & holds the packing material.
Peak Hour Demand : Time when the largest demand for hot water is needed.
Pipe Dope : Slang for pipe-joint compound. Substance applied to threaded fittings to create a watertight seal.
Pitch : Downward slope of a drain pipe in the direction of the water flow.
Plumb : Precisely vertical. Also to test for, or to make vertical. Also to perform plumbing work.
Plumber’s Putty : Pliable, popular putty used to seal joints between drain pieces and fixture surfaces.
Plumbing Tree : Prefabricated set of drain waste, vent, and supply lines.
Pop-Up Drain : Type of drain assembly for lavatory and bath. When a lavatory lift rod or bath overflow plate lever is lifted, the pop-up drain closes so the lavatory or tub retains water.
Port : An opening in a burner head through which gas or an air-gas mixture is discharged for ignition.
Positive Displacement Pump : Called a PD pump. Gear, sliding vane, progressive cavity, lobe etc. the capacity determined by the pump speed. The maximum head is determined by the horsepower available and the casing strength.
Pressure Balance Valve : Shower mixing valve that automatically maintains balance between incoming hot and cold water supplies by immediately regulating fluctuations in pressure. As a result, temperature remains constant, though the outlet pressure may drop. Also known as an anti-scald valve.
Pressure Tank : Device used to pump water from a well.
Pressure Tubing : Tubing used to conduct fluids under pressure or at elevated temperatures or both, and produced to stricter tolerances than pipe.


Rated Storage Volume : Quantity of water stored in a tank.
Reamer : A grinding tool used to level or remove burrs from valve seats in faucets so that the valve stem will fit properly.
Recovery Capacity : The amount of water in gallons per hour raised 100 degrees F at a given thermal efficiency and BTU per hour input.
Reducer : A fitting that connects pipes of different sizes together.
Return Circulation System : Tempered water from or near the point of usage which eliminates waste of hot water used for long runs and adds storage to the system.
Revent : Pipe installed specifically to vent a fixture trap. Connects with the vent system above the fixture.
Reverse Trap Water Closet : A water closet having a siphonic trapway at the rear of the bowl, and integral flushing rim and jet.
Rigid Pipe : Pipe designed to transmit the backfill load to the foundation beneath the pipe. Rigid pipe must be supported on the bottom portion of the pipe.
Rim Holes : A series of small holes in the underside of a toilet rim, around the circumference of the bowl. Incoming water flows down into the bowl through these holes, creating a rinse effect or wash over the entire inner surface of the bowl.
Riser : A vertical metal or plastic tube or assembly that connects a faucet to the water supply stop valve. Usually made of copper. Metal Flex Risers are corrugated to facilitate bending. Also a supply line that rises from one story to the next.
Roof Flashing : Sheet metal installed at any break in a shingled roofline to prevent leaks. Also around sewer vents, fluepipes.
Rough-In : Installation of the drain, waste, vent, and supply lines in a structure to the proposed location of each fixture.
Rough-In Dimensions : The distance from a finished wall or floor to the center of the waste or supply opening or mounting holes on a plumbing fixture.
Run : A complete or secondary section of pipe that extends from supply to fixture or drain to stack.


Saddle Valve : A valve mounted on a pipe run by a clamping device, or fitting that taps into the side of a pipe, used to make quick connection to an existing line to provide a water supply for a low-demand device.
Sanitary Sewer : House drain that carries wastewater away from the house to a sewer system or septic tank.
Self-Rimming Sink : Sink with no metal ring that has a built-in lip of the same material which supports it in the vanity top.
Service Entrance : Pipe connecting the water company piping to the water meter.
Setting : Pumps’ vertical distance in feet from the top of the well to the top of the pump.
Shroud : Color-matched component under a wall-mount lavatory that covers the drain outlet for aesthetic purposes.
Siphon-Vortex Water Closet : A toilet having a trapway at the rear of the bowl, integral flushing rim, and a water supply system with or without a jet, which does not feed directly into the trap.
Sleeve : Pipe which is passed through a wall for the purpose of inserting another pipe through it.
Slip Joint : A connection made with compression fittings.
Soil Stack : Largest vertical drain line to which all branch waste lines connect. This line carries waste to the sewer line.
Solder : Metal alloy that is melted to create a fused joint between metal pieces. Also the act of melting solder into the joint.
Spud : A threaded opening on the water heater tank. Also a tool for digging having characteristics of a shade and chisel.
Stack : The vertical main in the drain, waste, and vent system, extending one or more stories.
Stand Pipe : Open vertical pipe that receives water from a washing machine. Also the vertical pipe run supplying water to a fire sprinkler system; also large vertical pipe into which water is pumped in order to produce a desired pressure; a high vertical pipe or reservoir that is used to secure a uniform pressure in a water-supply system
Static Lift : The vertical distance between source and discharge water levels in a pump installation.
Stop Valve : The shutoff valve under sinks and toilets. Allows water supply to be cut off to one fixture without affecting the water supply to other fixtures.
Straight Cross : Fitting that connects four pipes of the same diameter.
Sump : A pit or pool for draining, collecting, or storing water. A chamber which provides water to the pump.
Sweating : Slang term for soldering. Also formation of condensation on the outside of pipes or toilet tanks.


T & P Valve : Temperature & pressure relief valve. A safety device used to expel excess pressure or heat from inside a tank.
Tailpiece : Section of pipe that runs between a fixture outlet and the trap.
Tail Pipe : The pipe added below the jet assembly, in a weak well application.
Tank : Fixture reservoir for flush water. On a conventional toilet, the ballcock, flush valve, and trip lever are installed in the tank. A tank lid closes the top tank opening.
Tank Cross : A double-tee-shaped fitting installed between a shallow well pump and the bladder tank with integrated valve and gauge fittings, and an outlet for a pressure-relief valve.
Tap Tee : Cast iron tee with a threaded female side inlet.
Thermocouple : Small electric generator. Electron flow between the hot junction of 1200 degrees F and cold junction of 600 degrees F creates millivoltage.
Thermostatic Valve : Pressure-balancing shower mixing valve with automatic temperature control. When temperature or pressure fluctuations occur at the water inlets, a thermal actuator adjusts the hot and cold ratio to maintain the original temperature setting.
Trap : Curved section of drain line that prevents sewer odors from escaping into the atmosphere. All fixtures that have drains must have a “P” trap installed. A toilet is the only plumbing fixture with an “S” trap.
Trap Arm : The waste arm portion of a drainage trap.
Trap Dip : The U-bend portion of a drainage trap.
Trap Primer : A small feeder line connecting the cold water line directly to the drainage trap, which releases a small amount of water to the trap should it run dry to maintain the water seal.
Trap Seal : Height of water in a toilet bowl “at rest.”. It provides the water seal which prevents sewer gases from entering the home. It is measured from the top of the dam down to the inlet of the trapway. Also referred to as deep seal.
Trapway : Channel in a toilet that connects the bowl to the waste outlet. It is where the siphonic action takes place. The trapway is measured in terms of the largest diameter ball which can pass through it. Also called the passageway.
Trip Lever : Flush handle and actuating arm on a toilet tank. Also the lever that opens and closes the drain on the bathtub waste and overflow.


Uni-flex : One piece stop and riser combination. One-piece supply.
Union : Three piece fitting that joins two sections of pipe, but allows them to be disconnected without cutting the pipe. Used primarily with steel pipe; never in a DWV system.
Usable Storage : Percentage of hot water that can be drawn from a tank before the temperature drops to a point that it is no longer considered hot.


Vacuum Breaker : An anti-siphon device that prevents the backflow of contaminated water into the water supply system.
Valve Dressing : Resurfacing a worn valve seat with a special tool. Stops leaks by providing a smooth sealing surface. Applies only to older compression style faucets.
Valve Seat : The non-moving part of a valve. Water flow is stopped when the moveable portion of the valve comes in contact with the valve seat.
Vent : A pipe that allows air into a drain system to balance the air pressure, preventing water in the traps from being siphoned off.
Vent Header : A vent pipe into which several vents connect. The vent pipe leads to the vent stack and out of the building.
Vent Stack : Upper portion of the soil stack above the topmost fixture through which gases and odors escape.
Venturi : A short tube with a tapered constriction in the middle that causes an increase in the velocity of flow of a fluid and a corresponding decrease in fluid pressure and that is used for creating a suction in a vacuum pump.
Viscosity : The resistance of fluids to flow, due to internal forces and friction between molecules, which increases as its temperature decreases.
Vitreous China : Ceramic materials fired at high temperature to form a non-porous body, having exposed surfaces coated with ceramic glaze fused to the body. This is used to form bathroom fixtures such as toilets, bidets, and lavs.


Washdown Water Closet : Water closet having a siphon trapway at the front of the bowl, and integral flushing rim.
Waste Arm : Drain extension pipe, usually to extend a sink drain into a wall.
Waste & Overflow : Drain assembly for a bathtub. The outlet at the top removes the overflow water during tub filling and the drain at the bottom removes wastewater when the tub is drained.
Widespread : A style of bathroom lavatory faucet having separate spout and handles, usually 8″ from center of handle to handle.


Yoke : Usually a brass casting that holds both the hot and cold valves and the mixing chamber for the water. May also refer to an assembly of copper or other metal which serves the same function.

Matthew S.
Mo came to my house and was very helpful and personable.
Hector L.
Excellent promptness and professionalism. Mo (Muhammad) Khan was outstanding in installing a digital shut off valve in our basement and I will definitely be calling him again next time I have a plumbing need.
Brian S.
Nathanial was extremely professional and helpful when it came to our clogged kitchen sink. He clearly explained the options and was very helpful in helping to explain the purpose of each and what would be best for our situation. I will definitely be reaching out again if we have further plumbing issues.
Cortney L.
Expectional experience!!. Very professional and explained what he was going to be doing step by step. Highly recommend.
Hiran S.
Gerald did an amazing job fixing my plumbing issue! He was professional, quick, and explained everything clearly.Highly recommend him for any plumbing needs!
Great service from Gerald .Thank you
Brian D.
Hy-pro plumbing helped me with my bathroom which had multiple issues. Our plumber was Masharo and he was on time, professional and friendly. He gave us a free quote and made the process really positive!
Linda M.
Daniel and his team were very polite and gave me two options. Did not pressure you at all. Was very refreshing to have someone come in and not over sell. They were quick to get the job done and even offered to put stuff back under the sink. Nice to have such respectful workers come into your home.
Lesley B.
Ashley at office was very nice and easy to talk to she worked with us and our schedule.Beepan was very polite and very knowledgeable.
Adam V.
Daniel C. and his trainee came to our house to fix a broken shower stem. They were very nice and polite, even gave my dog some attention. They gave a quick quote and got right to work. The issue was fixed and everything was put back together within 20 minutes. The shower handle was smoother then it's ever been and there were no issues. Also the woman on the phone (I believe her name was Janice) who I made the appointment with was extremely kind and very helpful. I'll be using them again if the need arises, highly recommend.
Arti C.
Great service! Mohammed explained the issue with our leaking pipe, fixed it in a timely manner, and was professional. I would use this company again.
Bozenna F.
I recently used Hy-Pro Plumbing for service. I was very impressed with their professionalism. Patrick was very knowledgeable, helpful, he answered all my questions and addressed my concerns. He went above and beyond to make sure that all my needs were met. I would highly recommend Hy-Pro Plumbing to anyone looking for service.
We called at 8 am. Owen was here before 930! Job assessed, completed under 2 hours ! Excellent work standard..we will definitely use this company again and specifically request Owen…due to his high work standard! Thank you Owen!
Brianna F.
We had a problem with our plumbing and had Hypro come the same day. The technician we had was Masharo and he was great to work with! Got the job done and we are pleased with the service. Recommend Hypro for any plumping services.
Tam L.
Gbenga came to help us with our bathtub leak issue. He was very clear about the service he was providing and diligent with the job. We've had a on and off problem for several years now and he fixed it right up. He put on foot covers after he entered the house. He only took a few hours to fix a big problem. Payment was straightforward.
Kevin & Nicole V.
We had an issue with our sump pump, and Jermaine was a huge help. He was very professional, took the time to educate us on the issue, and did great work. We really appreciated his expertise and attention to detail. Highly recommend!
Nathan B.
Owen and Beepan came to give us a quote for a blocked sewage drain pipe. Very courteous, informative and friendly guys. Excellent customer service from the moment I called them. Hy-pro provided very descriptive options, without the pressure to make any commitments on the spot. I definitely recommend giving them a call if you need plumbing services.
Peter S.
I had a great experience Owen was friendly, professional and very helpful. He fixed my problem quickly and offered helpful advice.Thank you 👍
Monique W.
The basket strainer for our kitchen sink corroded and failed, resulting in leakage. We called Hy-Pro on a Saturday and they were able to send someone out within a couple hours of our call. Gordon was courteous and friendly—he went over the repair options with us and carried out the repair efficiently. The new basket strainer is installed and our problem is solved. Thank you Gordon and Hy-Pro for excellent service!
Tom H.
Beepan and masharo responded to my plumbing problem on Wednesday. They were very professional and polite. They went above and beyond what I expected at a reasonable price aswell. Fast service and work was done great. Thanks guys
Dana E.
We recently had an incredible experience with Hy-Pro Plumbing! We had a resin leak from our water softener that turned into quite the challenge, but their team handled it with exceptional skill and professionalism. It wasn't an easy job; it took 2 days and 2 employees to clean out our lines, but they tackled it without hesitation.Both Nathanial and his apprentice were polite, courteous, and punctual. They worked diligently the entire time they were here, and I couldn't have asked for a better team to resolve our issue. Nathanial was especially great to work with, and I truly appreciate his persistence in figuring out this complicated problem.I honestly can't think of one negative thing to sayabout this experience. We are thoroughly impressed and will definitely recommend Hy-Pro Plumbing to our family and friends. If we ever need plumbing services in the future, they will be our first call!
Darryl V.
Very friendly service. The plumber explained everything thoroughly and what he was doing showed me video footage as well. Highly recommend.
Ryan N.
Joseph K was fantastic to deal with. No nonsense, honest and a fast worker. he did a great job, will recommend him in the future. Thanks Joseph!
Christine M
Safi did a great job and ensured that everything was working well before he left. He cleaned up after himself and took care of our house, ie. wore shoe covers so everything wouldn’t get wet. We appreciated his thoughtfulness and help. Thank you Safi!
lawrence R.
We had Steve H from Hy-pro plumbing install a dishwasher for us. very professional and informative. I would highly recommend him for all your plumbing needs.
Fatima O.
Nathanial.F came down today he was very polite and very respectful and I’ve loved his service
Amazing work by safi, he made sure everything was done perfectly. Would recommend!
Lar D.
Technician Masharo Campbell was terrific. Was able to arrive ahead of schedule and found us a replacement for our leaky faucet that was even nicer than what we had. Very efficient and professional. Am very happy to be a return customer.
Tracy C.
Extremely professional from the initial phone call to the completion of the service. Nate Fahey fast efficient and very friendly, very competent and knowledgeable. Thank you Nate
Angela B.
Safi from HY Pro was professional and efficient with installing 2 shower cartridges. He made sure to show us his work and to explain what was done. We are very pleased with HY Pro’s service.Thank you.
Rick H.
Owen was great! I would recommend their services to anyone in need of a plumber.
Sean L.
Dan was very knowledgeable and helpful with fixing my dishwasher draining issue. He assessed the problem quickly, and had my dishwasher draining properly in 15min. He stayed to ensure no leakage was occurring and that the dishwasher ran properly.I would highly recommend Dan in the future.
Ian S.
Gordon did a great job and fixed our outdoor hose line quickly and efficiently! He also gave us some advice about winterizing the line that we didn't previously know.
Mike P.
Great service! Very professional
Chasing The F.
Masharo was at my house today to unclog our drains he was friendly, worked quickly to get the job done and was tidy wearing his boot covers and protected my carpet with covers as well. He was able to come same day as we called. Our estimate was free and he did the job right then.
eduardo V.
Fantastic work, we could not be any happier with the pipe fixture for our sink. Thank you guys again.
Adesh P.
Ryan was very helpful in diagnosing the issue He also explained and educated me on the next steps that I need to take.Highly recommended, Thank you.
John T.
I highly recommend Hy Pro Plumbing, the young man Daniel that came in the house ment business, very steady, neat and attention to detail…..thank you to the young lady I talked to at first as well very pleasant and caring……a very good experience….. thank again I would definitely use them again
Denise H.
We had Beepan Mager here for are plumbing issues he was very informative with what the problem was and very courteous also.
Harsukh S.
Amazing service. Nathanial and Nahom we’re great to me and they did a wonderful job taking care of the job. Had a heavily clogged drain which wouldn’t open up no matter what I tried. The two of them came and took care of the job in a very clean and professional manner. Would definitely recommend asking for them to attend a call if available.
Arabella L.
Justin was great!
Kimberly N.
I strongly recommend Justin for all plumbing services. Very helpful and knowledgable
J E.
Highly recommend Justin. He was prompt, professional, and fixed our issue quickly. Excellent service and very knowledgeable.
Project Helping Orphans for the Purpose of E.
Fast, efficient and professional.
Fast, reliable and detailed.I called for an issue with the original installation of my smart toilet. The guy who initially did it had wrong or missed connection causing water leak. I called the HyPro office and immediately send technician Safi the same day. He thoroughly checked what's the issue and discuss what needs to be done. Price is on a higher range but I would imagine the work would be guaranteed. If you have the budget, I highly recommend them.
Steven L.
Plumber Justin was amazing. Highly recommend this guy. Clean work and fast service
Genevieve L.
Nathanial . F did an absolute amazing job, came in and immediately put on boot covers to not dirty my house, laid down something to protect my floors while working on my kitchen sink and even cleaned up and mess that was underneath my sink after he was finished! He was extremely friendly, professional and did an amazing job getting my sink back up and running I could not recommend this company and him enough!
Kimberly N.
Justin Lee is highly recommended!
Kimberly N.
Justin Lee is very professional and knowledgeable!!
True C.
Safi was an absolute pleasure to deal with. His professionalism as well as his technical knowledge was outstanding. He explained exactly what was needed and, the steps necessary to complete the plumbing issue at hand. I was impressed with his with his patience and respect to me, the homeowner. Excellent all around, I highly recommend Safi for any professional plumbing requirements.
Graham B.
Gordon was great!
Marilyn N.
Connor is awesome, came to give us a free estimate and helped us with a washing machine issue.
Karen C.
Justin was very helpful, he tried to see if he could resolve my broken shower faucet reasonably for me and quickly as possible, kept me informed all the way.Would definitely recommend.
Kyle J.
Polite, professional, and reasonable pricing. I only work with them. Safi was my latest plumber. Great work!
Rick H.
Called Hy-Pro for a leak in my fridge water line that came from the tube itself. The reception people were a pleasure to deal with and had Justin L. to my house within 3 hours.Justin arrived promptly after the courtesy call, confirming his details. He was polite at the door. Justin explained the issue to me, and gave me two potential solutions. With the solution I chose, the plan was described to me clearly, and then executed on. All of the parts were on-hand in his truck, and he completed the job promptly.Justin took a final look around the basement, to see if he could give any more suggestions, and to make sure all was well with the newly installed plumbing. The fix seems to be holding and Justin left the house as he found it, without leaving any mess or garbage behind - which I appreciate.Thank you to Justin personally for the great work, along with the politeness and friendliness you showed me with my questions.
Tamana K.
Ryan was very professional at his work and he did a great job.Thank you Ryan!
Safi was professional, informative and courteous. Great customer service experience all around!
Martin W
I called Hy Pro for an installation quote and again for a plumbing issue. Both times I dealt with Nathanial.F who was friendly, courteous, and gave good explanations. I'd highly recommend him and Hy Pro for any professional plumbing work.
ines C.
Great service. They called ahead just to confirm I was home, shortly Nathanial reached our home. He was friendly, find and very knowledgeable. We are me home owners, so there is a lot to learn about our home still. He patiently went through many of the extras our home would benefit from. We would great recommend him in the future and look into all the other items our home needs.Thank you.
Vibha T.
Safi was very professional, polite and personable. Accommodated my challenging schedule and went over and above by doing excellent job in providing assessment of water damage and changing old plumbing and patient enough to answer my questions respectfully.
Andrea G.
Gordon completed the work required in a fast and efficient way, making sure I knew what he was doing and covering all elements and options of the cost associated. Very pleased with the work and the customer service !
Ruth Ellen H.
Nathanial came to my home and assessed the problem with the shower faucet. He explained in detail what needed to be done. Nathanial's customer service skills are exemplary. For any future needs, I would certainly request Nathanial.
Rachel S.
Ryan was very professional and extremely helpful.
Jennifer W.
Amazing work by Owen. We had an urgent problem and he arrived fast, got the job done quickly and efficiently, and answered all of our questions. Very grateful! Highly recommend!
Auzy T.
Nathaniel and Carlo were fantastic. They were polite knowledgeable and efficient. Will definitely use this service moving forward!
Emmott M.
Ryan was professional and explained everything very clearly! Highly recommend.
Sade A.
Justin.L came to fix my sub pump and was excellent and very kind!
Fatime O.
Patrick is our plumber, smart and strong. Thank you!
Peter H.
Nov. 2025- Nathaniel and his apprentice did a great job replacing a valve and fixing a toilet flange!Thanks!!!We had a water line repaired by Jerome. The job was done fast, safe and at a fair price. He even followed up with us to make sure everything was working.
Alec B.
Had Chris Camacho in to replace my toilet and address my water softener, cannot recommend him enough. Super professional, down to earth and really made sure that I understood how to care for my home system. Awesome experience.Follow up water softener service from Safi-I was great, cannot recommend these folks enough!
Paul D.
Had a leak in my basement and called Hy-Pro. Within an hour, Connor M. was at my door, and traced back the leak. Professional, courteous service. Will certainly choose Hy-Pro for any future service.
Brian Ho H.
Gerald and Lee did an amazing job. Very professional and explained the issues clearly. Very much appreciated their service.
Chantal L
I had hy-pro come out and fix a drainage problem for my kitchen sink.Masharo was the technician. He was amazing! Was thorough clean and explained everything that was going to happen right down to the cost.
Brianna K.
Safi and Nathanial arrived promptly, and got right to work. They offered a few solutions/options for the repair ranging in price. They carefully removed the toilet and explained why they were testing things - when they discovered a cylinder like object in the base of the toilet they used care to remove it, preventing further damage to the toilet allowing it to be reinstalled. They thoroughly cleaned the floor before leaving. The extra care with the booties was an appreciated touch.
Kevin B.
Nathaniel and Safi came to fix issues we were having with our plumbing and did a great job. Very friendly and professional, would use again
Matthew S.
Justin L - came to solve an issue with our water softener and pupework. Prompt, punctual and polite, very knowledgeable and had us back up and running swiftly. Top job!
Gurbaj S.
It was great to have Nathaniel come take a look at the issue at my place here. He is very courteous and professional, did a thorough analysis and gave us all the options as well as good recommendations.A highly positive experience working with him.
Kugan T
Amazing professional so helpful during an emergency. Thank you
Kevin L.
Ryan was very professional and completed work to our satisfaction.
Deborah P.
Ryan professional, had a back up. He came out and got it draining for me despite it being a difficult one. He worked hard and got the job done. I would recommend hydro anytime.
Natasha K.
Mohammad was very professional, polite and honest. He explained everything in detail, which was very helpful to understand the process. Thank you Mohammad :)
Surajj Vinodh K.
Had a service called in for toilet clog, it was huge relief for us having Ryan in, hisservice was so professional, he arrived in a timely manner. It was huge relief for us having the problem fixed on a Friday night, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH !
Aatesh K.
Ryan was very professional, quick and did a great job
Chris K.
These guys were fast courteous and professional. Ryan was amazing! Couldn't have asked for the repairs to be handled any better.
Omar M.
Gordon did a great job on fixing our clogged kitchen sink. I would highly recommend their services
Asked for a quote: Ryan came out quickly, he answered all my questions, and gave me multiple options.
Mark W.
Eric n of Hy-Pro was professional, courteous and prompt. He did the work as quoted. Workspace was left clean. Thanks Eric - job well done
Nella A.
Mohammad.K from Hy-Pro Plumbing was excellent at assessing the issue and helping us to replace our sewage pump. He identified the problem, answered all of our questions, and addressed all of our concerns. He also explained steps we could take to maintain the pump. We are very pleased with his work. It was an excellent experience and I highly recommend Mohammad.K from Hy-Pro Plumbing.
Zina F.
We had Eric come out and access the issue, he was very thorough, knowledgeable and polite. He diagnosed the issue and provided detailed options on how to take care of the issue, if we need any future repairs or maintenance done we will definitely make the call!
richard r
Had Eric show up at our door on time as scheduled. He was polite and listened about the issues we were experiencing. He walked around the house investigating the source of the issue. When he found the area of the issue he gave us 3 options of service he could offer to rectify the issue. We had asked for extra plumbing work to be done in another area as well. After having the sewers from the basement pressure cleaned Eric cleaned up his work area, and gave us practical advice on how to maintain the now cleared sewers and drains within the house. Eric was professional and caring in what he does and I would recommend HYPRO Plumbing to any one who requires services to their home.
Jeanette L.
Masharo and Alan provided excellent, efficient and speedy service during our flood. Thank you.
Harpreet Singh (.
Service was so good and fast
Samantha M.
Daniel from hy pro was amazing! He explained everything that needed to be done and made recommendations on what he thought was best. We ended up getting a water softener since our taps kept breaking. Daniel did a wonderful job. Everything is all set up and working great. I highly recommend Daniel and Hy pro. Thanks!
Lori G.
Thrilled to have Mohammad K come out to fix my drain issue. It was an urgent request and he was there by 2 on a long weekend. Cleared the blocked drain and everything was working again within an hour. Very professional and respectful and overall pleasant.
Norbi H.
When our sewage pipe decided to back sewage up into our basement on Thanksgiving weekend and none of the local plumbers answered my calls I reached out to Hy-Pro. Mo was a superstar coming to our rescue very quickly. He went above and beyond to work around and resolve the problems, he was patient and courteous, explained everything he was doing and did an overall fantastic job leaving us with fully functional waterworks. I will be going straight to Hy-Pro with future problems.
Masharo came by, did a great job in good time. Only thing that was weird about this place was that I booked an appointment, and then they called me an hour before asking if I was available during the appointment time, and then it was delayed because I missed that call... an appointment is an appointment. Still, can't very well take a star off for that.
Jessica S.
Masharo was very pleasant and was able to determine the issue. Will be sure to call on him again if something else happens in my house.
Susan B.
Thanks to Nathaniel and Beepan for excellent service with home plumbing issues and very professional recommendations. I am pleased with the outcome and suggestions for future. This is the second time I have had very good service with Hypro in Georgetown.
Evon G.
Would absolutely recommend this company, and specifically Masharo, to perform work related to sump pumps. I liked that they offered a range of options. Masharo was very thoughtful in providing assistance. He stuck around after installation to ensure not only that the new pump was working but also to make sure I understood how it was supposed to work.
Jessamy / Mitchell M.
Justin was very knowledgeable, helpful and efficient. Very thankful for his service.
Mo Khan just left our residence a few minutes ago and even though he couldn't repair our dishwasher issue he pinpointed where the problem was and what part was needed.Just a nice guy. Period.In fact our whole experience with Hy-Pro was very positive as the communication with their office was top notch.
Nasim K.
Had such a great experience with Hypro Plumping. Masharo was very helpful and gave us detailed information on what needs to be done. He was efficient and friendly and fixed our issue within the same visit. He made the entire process very smooth and easy. Would highly recommend him and Hypro plumping for any plumping needs you may have!
Bryan C.
Nathaniel showed up to locate and repair a leak that showed up suddenly in our kitchen ceiling. His professional and efficient manner were both much appreciated.After locating the drainpipe causing our problem he presented us with several options for the repair work ranging in scope and price and allowed us to choose the option that best suited our needs without pressure.The work was done next day as promised and they left the house and work area clean when they wrapped up.
Mariusz U.
Technician Ryan was very reliable, professional and very helpful, dealing with our plumbing issue.Clearly explained our options.
Jimmy E.
I contacted Hy-pro Plumbing and Drain cleaning after engaging a handyman to fix my blocked kitchen drain which he couldn't fix after spending hours trying to clear the the drain without success.Ashley picked my call when l contacted Hy-pro Plumbing and Drain cleaning company, she was polite, professional and empathetic to my situation after l explained my frustration regarding the blocked drain for the past 5 days.She arranged a technician by name Patrick Jardine who came in on time; explained the solution options and got to work immediately l selected my preferred option.The work was completed within 2 hours to my satisfaction and the work space used by Patrick was cleaned after he was done.I am happy l engaged their services.l wish l had called them first when this problem first happened.I have no hesitation in recommending their services based on my personal experience.Thanks Ashley and Patrick!
Pj S.
We had a problem with our existing copper drains from our kitchen sink. Nathanial. F attended and completed the work with extreme professionalism. Not only did he complete the job in a timely manner, he ensured the work space was left in a tidy state. I would recommend Nathanial. F to anyone in need of a professional plumber!
Cheryl G.
Eric arrived promptly and was able to easily install the new water filter. Thank you for the excellent service.
Mariel P.
I’m extremely satisfied with the service we received. I was able to schedule an appointment quickly to address a leak in our kitchen ceiling, and it was fixed the very next day. Nathanial and Jaz did an outstanding job, thoroughly explaining everything from the issue to the solution. Their professionalism and attention to detail stood out, especially as they made sure to leave the area spotless once the job was completed, which is something not all companies take the time to do. I highly recommend this company and would absolutely use their services again.
varun M.
Had a great experience with this plumber (Eric )! Arrived on time, quickly diagnosed the problem, and fixed it efficiently. Professional, friendly, and reasonably priced. Highly recommended.
Andy F.
Dan and Dave were great. Came in, assessed the issue, delivered results in less than an hour. Wish all on site services from Other companies were this good. Highly Recommend
Mary S.
Daniel from Hy-pro plumbing and drain cleaning came to our home a few days back to help us figure out if one of our outside drains were operational. We were in the process of finishing up some work with regard to our gutter system, and the workers were trying to figure out if they could use that particular drain for one of our down spouts. Daniel was very professional and pleasant. He patiently tested and cleaned the drain and determined that we could use it. It was totally blocked and he did a great job cleaning it. Daniel also took the time to clean two other storm drains for us. Daniel spent three hours doing the work in the dark and was there until very late in the evening. Daniel is very knowledgeable and is very good at what he does. We are very pleased with his work. He is very honest, flexible and efficient. He is very dedicated to helping his clients resolve issues. A big thank you to Daniel and to the crew at Hy-pro plumbing and drain cleaning!!!
Victor S.
Got a badly clogged island kitchen sink drain. Called the company. The stuff on the phone was very professional and polite. We got asked all the details their needed and booked an appointment the day after. A representitive by name Nathanial came on time (even a bit earlier after they made sure we are ok with it) and did a great job walking us through the issue we have and presented us with several options. We found him super polite, patient, and very professional. The price sounded a little high, but it came with 1 year warranty and an assurance that the work will be carried out in a most proffesional manner. We are still shopping around, but in overal we got a very good first impession dealing with the company.
Candace T.
Ryan was a pleasure to work with. He was super knowledgeable and took the time to explain every detail. He was quick and efficient. Thank you!
Nenad T.
Ryan was great from start to finish. He took the time to listen and then actioned quickly to fix the problem for us. He took the time to explain and show me what the issue was with our clogged drain. It was a pleasure having Ryan perform our repair. I would recommend Ryan and HY-PRO in the future.
Abdullah C.
Didn’t get work done but tech was very informative of the issue and cost range
Abbey S
Hy-Pro was one of the companies I called to shop around for quotes after receiving a hefty one from another company. Eric N. arrived on time, with a helper, and took his time with photos and estimates. He was able to provide me with 3 detailed options to determine what best suited my needs. He was very professional and put my mind at ease about the fairly expensive job. Justin L. arrived the day of with a helper to complete the work, and both men matched the professionalism standard that Eric N. set.I will be passing on their information to anyone looking for a plumbing service. Highly recommend!
Thomas J.
Super professional workers, was very fortunate for Ryan and his team to be able to come out when they did to help our house.
Fast and quality work done by Ryan, super professional and nice.
Weiliang D.
Dan came out fast to help us resolve the main sewer line clogging issue. Great job!
K “kh” H
Ryan was excellent to do the work we needed, and then a follow up from another Hy-pro crew.fixed our disaster on budget, despite the numerous roots in the pipe from the exterior of the condo
Sha C.
Eric N did a great job with repairing the toilets! Thank you!
K “kh” H
Masharo is excellent to deal with and Hy -PRO are excellent, on price and very professional and fixed our problem and left us with confidence that the problems are fixed permanently
Tushar G.
Great inspection and recommendations.
Nikki C.
I called and expected Ryan our technician within less than an hour, he was polite and patient. Explained and made sure we understood our situation and solved our situation with more !
roger W.
Mohammad did a fabulous job and I would definitely recommend him for any plumbing services
randy D.
Very good service, plumber was Eric
Arbet K.
We had problems with our submersible pump located in our basement. Hy-Pro sent across their technician to look at the problem at no cost. Mohd came as Technician of Hy-Pro and replaced the old pump with a new pump less than an hour. The job was done professionally and I would definitely recommend this company.
Brock W.
Quick, friendly and knowledgeable service! Fixed the problem and gave us a long term solution so we hopefully won’t have the issue again for a long time.
Wendy S.
We had HyPro come out for a toilet and sink issue. The technician arrived within the promised time frame. Marsharo, the technician was polite, professional and quickly got to the root of the problem. After the quote was approved to go ahead, the work was completed and everything was set to go in a very timely fashion. Afterwards, Marsharo explained and went over the repairs. I appreciated the great service we received. Five stars for Marsharo.
Salvatore G.
Had Ryan W come out this morning to have our laundry room floor drain and main line inspected/snaked as we found some roots in the drain.He showed up promptly and was very professional! Brought in drop cloths to protect the floors had boot protectors on as well.Took time to thoroughly explain the process and future issues that could arise.Would definitely call Hy-Pro plumbing again, just based on the experience with Ryan! Excellent job
Amy V.
Thanks Ryan W! We appreciate all your help and putting our mind at ease.
Nick S
Ryan was very kind and knowledgeable and provided some great advice and feedback and helped resolve our issue quickly and efficiently.
Liam C.
Ryan was very professional and thorough with his work to determine what sort of plumbing issues we were experiencing. I would recommend him and the team as they were quick to respond and worked diligently to provide us answers to our problems along with the potential solutions.
Gail M
Our technician Eric was easy to deal with, he diagnosed the problem and provided a quote for required service before starting. Our problem was a little more than we anticipated and helped us get connected so we could explore options to fully resolve the issue. Before leaving he followed up on the work performed and reaffirmed the next steps. Thank you for the great service.
Laura P.
Muhammad was very helpful and gave us some great advice and tips on maintaining our sump pumps and septic system.
Ismail D.
Mohammed came over to our house and fixed a leaking pipe during the long weekend. I would highly recommend his service.
Zainab B
Justin was very helpful and got the job done! Just wish he came in the beginning it would have avoided a lot of headaches and saved me money.
Deron S.
Masharo did a good job ,I'll recommend him
Mathiesha D.
Ryan is very helpful and explained things very clearly to me. I would recommend him for your plumbing needs via hypro plumbing
mark H.
Ryan- excellent service was on time and diagnosed our problem very efficiently
Sandy F.
Replaced main pipes in the house and a pipe under the sink. Pipes were very old and clogged.Came early so the job was done early afternoon. Problem solved!Technician ( Masharo Campbell)was friendly and honest, I would definitely call again!
Mihaela S.
Great service, again, from Hy-Pro Plumbing. Masharo explained everything about the problem we had with the clogged kitchen sink drain, the proposed options for the solution and completed the work efficiently. He is knowledgeable and professional, and upon completion of the work the area was left clean and in order. I recommend calling Hy-Pro for any plumbing and drainage needs. Thank you, Masharo!
Tammy D.
Ryan W came here today and was earlier than scheduled, very helpful and knowledgeable
oh my P.
I was quite pleased with the speed and efficiency of my problem being resolved. Garret was knowledgable and professional. A great experience and would definitely recommend!
Angie W.
Mashario was very polite and professional when he replaced a kitchen pipe for my parents. He explained the process and made sure he completed to job in a timely manner. I would definitely recommend Mashario again for any future jobs
scott d
Dan was great. Very polite and knowledeable.Would recommend him to anyone. Very pleased with the service!
Olaf N.
We had a blockage in the pipe that drained the kitchen sink, dishwasher, washer, laundry sink, and water softener - a panicky situation. Will arrived within an hour of my call to Hy-Pro. He worked for a very long time with a cable to try to get through the blockage, but approaches from several access points didn't work due to various directional changes in the pipe. Finally, a new approach through the kitchen drain worked. Will was quite positive throughout and despite a number of setbacks, never gave me the impression that he was going stop working on the problem. He cleaned up his work area thoroughly afterwards. I was pleased with the results which, of course, gave us peace of mind.
aaron H.
Ryan was awesome he was very knowledgeable and more than willing to walk me through what was going on in my drains unfortunately my issues stemmed further than one day can fix but knowing and understanding what is going on gives a peace of mind that is hard to come by now
Elizabeth G.
I had a clogged sink and a professional man named Mashar Campbell came to clear it out. He was thorough and advise me to stop using some of the quick fixes we seee on the internet as it would destroy the pipes. He had it cleared in no time. Thank you Hy-Pro. This man deserve a raise.
Arrived on time. Respectful. Explained the entire process in cleaning out the grate at the bottom of the driveway, along with other options as required. Completed the job and cleaned the work area. Clean uniform, good customer facing attitude. Highly recommend.
Audrey S.
We had the pleasure of meeting with Ryan W from Hypro Plumbing recently to discuss our drainage issues. He was professional, courteous and knowledgeable. He took the time to explore the root cause of the issues and outlined clearly possible solutions we could consider. I would highly recommend this company.
Sukhbeer B.
Called in Hypro to fix the sewer pump. Mohammad did a very good job.
Masharo c did a great job a few days ago and we appreciate the work done by hy - pro
Kanani V.
Masharo Campbell has done a great job.
Tom B.
Masharo c did a excellent job and explained the situation we're off the drain
Lynne B.
Gordon Hall was wonderful to deal with! We appreciate his care and attention . Thanks so much to him!
Sandy F.
I would highly recommend Hy Pro. Very professional repair the plumber was excellent ,the work was done on time and the Quote was spot I am very pleased
Wes W.
Very professional Ryan is friendly and very knowledgeable
jocelyne P.
Ryan was perfect at explaining the process very friendly did an awesome job 😊
Jesse T.
Masharo C. - thanks for unclogging the sink!
nancy W.
Justin was very polite and knowledgeable. He had great patience because the job was long. Great at explaining things as well. Hypro plumbing was great to deal with and very efficient. I would recommend them
Riley H.
Very good experience with this company. Quick service and friendly staff
Mihaela S.
Excellent service! Daniel answered all my questions professionally, provided options with quotes and completed the work in time. The company checked in, called to make sure the agreed time still works and gave updates. Thank you Hy-Pro Plumbing and Daniel Ciornei
Julian H.
John from hy pro was an absolute treat to work he was super knowledgeable and figured out my problem right away....what more could you ask for.
J M.
Masharo is a awesome guy 👍
Jared L.
We had a badly clogged kitchen sink and made an appointment with Hy-Pro. Connor arrived early (after the office called to make sure that was ok). He took a look and gave us different service options, making sure we knew how much it was going to cost. He did a thorough job and even helped fix a leaking pipe under the sink that he noticed!
Jason L.
Mohammed was excellent coming in and helping clear my drain. He was professional, thorough and personable to ensure I was happy with the service and everything was resolved once he left.When calling Hy-Pro make sure to request Mohammed as he is their most thorough tech that will ensure everything is inspected properly and done to your satisfaction
Cody kelly (.
Fast and efficient, Connor.M didn’t waste any time fixing the problem.
Mary L.
Masharo did an amazing job with fixing the leaky outdoor tap. We really appreciated it.
Conor W.
Had a service done added a second shut off tech was friendly and knowledgeable
Lynda G.
Jermaine was hellpful and courteous. Very quick service.
ahmed S.
Mohamad is the best one.Did the job and make everything easy.
George T.
Very friendly service. Knowledgable and helpful. Thanks for helping!!
Tom C.
No one likes car repairs or home emergencies. Early Thursday morning we had a toilet stop flushing. We only have one toilet in the house. I must say I was impressed by Hy-Pro from front to back. First I called and spoke to Ashley. She took my information, and I explained our urgency. It was about 9:00 AM. She said she could have someone arrive between 11:00 am and 2:00pm. Justin arrived at 11:10am, as promised. The technician Justin was courteous, friendly and professional. After a quick look at our problem he explained my options and depending upon diagnosis a price was quoted. He was efficient in his work, knew what he was doing and explained what he was doing as he progressed. When he was finished, short of a new toilet there was no indication that he had been there. When he was finished the invoice was as quoted.I would definitely recommend Hy-Pro and Justin due to his work ethic and professionalism.
Milton N.
Excellent prompt service to clean out a clogged drain pipe. Professional service and fast. Recommend 100%. Thanks!
Michael was great, arrived a head of schedule, communicated the issue well and took care of the problem…
Ian B.
First time using Hypro for service, fast same day service and work was done within 2 days. Will definitely use them again and service personnel where excellent.
Cami B.
We called when we were having issues with our Airbnb unit, and were pleased at how quickly they were able to send someone. Justin was super helpful and knowledgeable and was able to fix the situation quickly. He was very professional and was transparent with pricing. He made sure we knew everything before we had to make any decisions. We appreciate Justin’s help and kindness through a stressful situation.
Jess L
Had justin lee out to fix two toilets in my rental property, he was amazing. Very helpful in explaining and resolving the problem, will definitely use him again.
Tapan P.
Had a toilet sewage pump repair done by Sheldon Lesperance who was absolutely wonderful! He was polite, professional, friendly and very easy to work with. I could not be happier with the results and the excellent customer service.
Heaven A.
Thank you so much Steve Heidbuurt for of all your hard work with honnesty you have done in our home.!Amazing work.God bless
Heaven A.
I appreciate so much the work done by Steve , he did his job well ,a qualified man we were waiting for to fixe what needed in the house.God bless you.
Rodrick B.
Excellent service. Very professional.
Jo D.
Mohammed and Beepan were great. Very professional and did a great job!
Matthew C.
Called these guys today to have some work done . Great experience with the staff right from start to finish . Very happy with the work they did . Price was a little higher then other places I talked to . But they came and got the work done today like I was asking . I also know price comes with the service you receive. And I am not complaining just being honest . Again can't say enough about Mohammed and B-Pen .Great guys . Hope I got the names right .
Aayush P.
Fantastic job all around from explaining it all and providing the options to changing the outside faucets. Would definitely recommended these guys for any plumbing needs!
Pete J.
Prompt and knowledgeable off hours house call to repair a damaged copper pipe and get our water back up and running. I can't say enough good things about the technician, Masharo. Would absolutely call them again.
William W.
Justin L. was professional and efficient. After examining the issue he offered several repair options and walked me through the process so there were no cost surprises.
Joseph L.
This was an awesome experience. Owen was fantastic - He provided clear, quotes, was efficient, and was very knowledgable. I will use the service again.
Mike V.
Technician arrived quickly and very clearly articulated the repair options and costs before promptly repairing the leaking pipe and getting the main water turned back on. Very helpful and pleasant.
Federica Arroyo L.
First contact by phone was pleasant and helpful. Basement bathroom has a funny smell and I thought it could be the sewer. Connor patiently saw the plumbing and there was no problem with it. Connor was professional and honest. He suggested some ideas for the smell. Thank you
troy C.
Gerald and Mahone came today to fix my kitchen clogged pipes. Both were very friendly, hard working and professional. I would highly recommend them to anyone and call them if I have an issue again.
Bruce M.
Gordon was great! And very informative. Highly recommended
robert D.
Fantastic service !! Sheldon completed the job professionally in 10 minutes - high recommend
Grant S.
Awesome visit! Thought I had a sump pump issue, but Connor quickly checked and verified all was well. Very polite young man, answered all my questions, even tried to help see where the small was coming from. This company is the real deal, right from the super polite answering of my initial call, to the visit. Guess who will be swapping out my toilets soon?!!! Thx!
Milan N.
Phoned Hy-Pro and was able to get a technician the same morning. Owen was amazing - assessed the problem, gave an immediate price which I agreed to and completed the work. Small details the are big details such as putting on booties over his shoes and cleaning up perfectly. I would recommend Hy-Pro all day long! Thank you!
mani m
Masharo was very kind and did an incredible job in diagnosing a leak at my basement ceiling. Identified the cause and fixed the issue in quick Tim.really appreciate the service
Jermaine was a great help in assessing and evaluating the issues at hand and coming to a excellent resolution
andrea M.
No from hypro plumbing replaced an outdoor faucet and added a shut off valve for another one. He did a professional job. He is a hard working, tidy personable pro!
Gus S.
I highly recommend Mohammed good worker. He spent five hours at my facility to get the job done. He did get it done. He never stopped a minute. I highly recommend Mohammed.
June N.
Dan and Adam were a pleasure to deal with. No pressure, but because of the price for what I needed done we did not hire.
Nelson Melo A.
Sheldon from Hypro was totally professional and really knew what he was doing. Did a great job installing my new sump pump
B T.
Conner was very professional. He understood my urgency and concerns and very kindly went above and beyond what I expected.I was not suprised by the bill; as all cost (or added cost) due to complexity and access of the leakage, was discussed and approved beforehand.Thank you so much.
Barry P.
Justin came in and installed a sub pump and water lines with a shut off vaule highly recommend very professional
Emrah M.
Excellent work and great service . Thank you Masharo C !
Jun Xu (.
Got Connor today to fix my laundry pipe and garage tap not getting cold water issue. Got many options for the fix and also got recommended to install a good softer to reduce similar issues in the future. I'm happy that he fixed my issue.He walked with shoe covers and knows where the issue is shortly after some looking around.
Micheal B.
We had a pipe burst in our kitchen, and other than turning off the water we really didn't know what to do. Justin was professional, knowledgeable and patient as he walked me through the options, each step and what he was doing. I will definitely be calling Justin again for any plumbing needs in the future.Update: Justin delivered once again, helping us fix a leaking pipe in our basement. Despite our old pipes and complex routing, Justin repaired our plumbing with minimal construction impact to our house.
Paul L.
Same day service. Knowledgable, courteous, friendly plumber. Definitely would call them again for any future plumbing needs.
Dustin B.
I had a pipe explode on me mid afternoon. Reached out to Hy-Pro who sent Mohammad Khan to take care of the issue. Both the pipe and shutoff valve were replaced by dinner. Mohammad was friendly, professional, and took the time to clearly explain what needed to be done and why. Will absolutely be using Hy-Pro for future plumbing needs. Thanks, Mohammad!
Albuquerque I.
I had a service call with Chris Camacho and Karlo and they were legit, upfront, and very easy to deal with. Super informative, honest, and easy service. It was a great experience. Thank you!
Javier F.
Steve was very professional, courteous and went the extra mile explaining current and potential issues.
Jerry D
Prompt, efficient, successfully completed.
Ali M.
Hy-pro went the extra mile, so we will be repeat customers! Unfortunately, some plumbing companies are more focused on getting as much money out of a client than taking care of them. When Hy-pro had to return for a second visit on a repeat issue Dan did a thorough investigation and even worked to waive some of the fees, so that we were confident on what the issue was and all our options moving forward. We really appreciate the extra care!
Chris Camacho from Hy-pro came to my place to check out our clogged sink and he was just the most friendly and patient guy. He took the time to show us the problem and other issues that was also affecting our sink and overall health of our house. I would 1000% use his services
40 V.
Informative, polite and fast. Appreciate the quick service
Brad P.
Very professional, very clean, took the time and effort to make sure I had what I needed at a reasonable price.
Jennifer S.
Technician Daniel C. did a fantastic job installing a new toilet flush valve and cleaning the dishwasher tubes and drain. Everything is working great now! I've used Hy-Pro for a few jobs, and from the initial call until the job is done, all staff I've encountered have been extremely courteous and professional. Will definitely be using this company again.
Jacob R
Very happy with the job Chris C did. Very knowledgeable and provided a great service. Will absolutely be using Hy-Pro again. Thanks!
Kirti G.
Our shower was leaking. Sheldon Lesperance did an amazing job installing a new shower. He did a thorough assessment prior to starting the work. Following the assessment, he explained all the options we had. All options given to us were reasonable. Throughout the work, Sheldon communicated well with us and explained his process. Overall great job! Highly recommended!
Blanca C.
Connor, He was very helpful, polite, professional and knowledgeable. My mother-in-law Amada Hernadez requested services and got Connor, Connor was on schedule and on time and that was very much appreciated. He fixed the problem and gave me some very helpful tips to prevent future problems. We could not be more pleased with every aspect of the services provided by Connor and Hy -Pro. Plumbing Thank you very much.
Ingrid G.
I have used Hy-Pro Plumbing on 3 occasions during the past year. Today I required a follow up on a previous job; Daniel listened to our concerns and after following up with his manager, he completed the work to our complete satisfaction, it was a pleasure dealing with Daniel today and I have full confidence in Hy-Pro Pluming.
Linda E.
What a great company to deal with!Ashley at the office arranged for Dan and B-Pan to come to deal with our clogged toilet within the half hour! They were very courteous and professional and obviously knew their stuff!Thank you !!Linda and Bruce
Phil W.
Excellent amazing service from this company. Reliable-always with a desire to solve problems and correct customer issues.Trustworthy. John (Jack) is very through and diligent to detail. Excellent serviceman for this company
Julian D.
Worked with Mohammad K. Great person to work with got the job done.
Mr. C
Great service from Sheldon!
M_ E.
Dan was great! Highly recommend Hy-Pro!
Virginia P.
Sheldon was fast, efficient and did a great job. Thank you.
Leroy G.
Could not find anything wrong, prompt and professional service. Job was done in the blink of an eye, I will be recommending Hy-Pro, and Sheldon to the neighbors
Norma C.
We were very pleased with the quick and efficient service from Gordon Hall, Service Technician from Hy-Pro. He was friendly and went beyond our actual issue and cleaned out our bathtub drain as well. Would definitely use Hy-Pro again.
Leesa S.
Had a toilet repair and outside faucet repair done by Justin who was absolutely wonderful! He showed up on time, was polite and friendly and very easy to work with. His quote and price was excellent. I could not be happier with the results and the excellent customer service. He was assisted today by Bepen (sp) who was also delightful to deal with. They did great work and I would not hesitate to have them back to do more work if needed.
Stella X.
Sheldon is professional.he gave me some options and explained how he would do the job.
Rick H.
Dan did a great job.
Paul R.
We’ve had Nathan out a few times. Great service
Elizabeth B.
Workman was very patient and very explaining each detail of which seniors need would certainly have him again and pass this information on to other seniors. Also the secretary was very informative to keep you informed of when they would be at your home and explained everything.
Goat G.
Dan did a good job fixed the clog. Thanks Danny
Omar S.
Dealing with Hy-Pro was incredibly delightful.Not only did they resolve my issue in record time, but the service they provided was very professional and hassle-free.A special thank you goes out to Masharo Campbell, the technician dispatched to our home. He was efficient and extremely knowledgeable and contributed significantly to the overall pleasant experience.10 out of 10, would highly recommend. 👌
Wayne L.
Dan was nice on the first visit. On the second he was training an apprentice and making sure all was correct. Cleaned up nicely.
Sean I.
Hydro Plumbing exceeded our expectations when we needed our toilet replaced urgently at our autobody shop Sitrade. Their response time was incredibly quick, and they efficiently handled the installation process with expertise. Moreover, their team members were not only skilled but also very kind and respectful throughout the entire service. Thanks to Taylor, Mo and his colleague.We highly recommend Hydro Plumbing for any plumbing needs – you won't be disappointed!
Paul S.
Justin did a great job and helpful in walking through options.
sharmela I.
Very impressed with Hy-Pro. They were here within the hr. Quote given on the spot and pipes all fixed within the hr. Very efficient and thoughtful. Very impressed with Nick Field who was helpful, resourceful and very knowledgeable. Would certainly recommend this organization.
Mohammed D.
Needed a sump pump check valve replacement. Service was quick, friendly and professional. He even helped me locate sump pump pipework hidden behind drywall which was quite helpful to know. Highly recommend for any plumbing service.
Daniel P.
Kurtis was fast and friendly. Would recommend Hy-Pro.
Sian P.
Kurtis. L did an amazing job for us! Quick and very professional.
Gino G.
Had a drain back up and it started to back up into the basement. Called for a plumber and Kurtis showed up within 15 minutes and had the issue fixed in an hour. And he worked very neatly as wellThanks Kurtis.
Laura E.
Dan explained everything at every stage in the process. They were very clean when working. Thank you Dan and Beepan.
Gur D.
it was great experience with hy-pro plumbing and drain cleaning. Masharo campbell did a great job. thank you
We've used Hy-Pro Plumbing on several occasions. This time was a non emergency fix for a bathroom faucet. The dispatch is very friendly and polite. They were able to accommodate me the same day, at my convenience.They sent Dan C.He was able to give me a few quotes to decide how I wanted to proceed with the work. He was polite and respectful while here. He did the work in a timely manner and cleaned up afterwards .Will use Hy-Pro Plumbing again.
Kai B.
Chris c. Amazing job! Very personable, and did great work , great communication and showed me and explained things in detail will definitely use for future plumbing needs ! Will be recommending him directly to friends/family.
Olivia K.
Chris was professional, knowledgeable and extremely helpful. I felt like a valued customer and will definitely be calling again if I ever need another plumber. Thank you Chris for your last minute help that saved us!
Tony B.
Just had a great experience with a sump pump install with Garrett R, from Hy-Pro!We have a main pump with a secondary battery backup pump as well. The main pump died, so we needed a replacement. A different technician installed a new main pump, but I noticed a bunch of issues, including the float sensor getting stuck, leaving the pump running continuously.On the second call, Garrett came to the rescue and completed the following:- He adjusted the angle of the float so that it shuts off when its supposed to.- He let me use some extra bathroom tiles to raise the pump a bit so that it doesn't suck in debris that makes it into the bottom of the pit over time (this extends the life of the pump).- He helped me install some spacers to raise the float so that the pump doesn't trigger as often and pumps more when it is on (this will extend the life of the pump).- He rotated how the pumps sit in the pit and made sure the pumps fit snug, so that the knock from the check valve closing isn't as loud.- Raising the pumps with the tile has also stopped the slurping sound for both the main and backup pumps, so even the backup pump works better now!Thank you so much Garrett for taking the time and resolving every concern I had! I'm a really picky customer, but it's extremely important to me because if this system fails, the entire basement unit will flood and be ruined, causing 10's of thousands in damages.I can now go on holidays and not be afraid of coming home to a flooded unit. Thanks again Garrett, you did a world class job!!
Eric S.
Their dispatch answered my questions and was able to fit me in the very next day for a non-emergency call. Shout out to Chris C the technician that visited us for the repairs. Did not pressure us to sell the repairs, answered all my questions and readily provided an estimate and was able to do repairs right away. Extremely satisfied with the work.
Linda H.
Brandon Pye is really good and awesome plumber I am happy with his service
Rijo G.
Excellent work by Sheldon, he was very knowledgeable and knew exactly what needed to be done. He was polite and patiently explained the issue and remedy to us.Nice customer service too by Hy-Pro plumbing, need to appreciate their follow up calls
Ashleigh G.
Hy-Pro was able to get a plumber out to our place right away, helping prevent further issues and potential water damage. Thanks Gordon for fixing our bathtub leak.
Jeff Z.
Gordon, was very helpful! I will use Hy-pro for further plumbing needs!
Very knowledgeable and informative person. Nice clean and professional service.would definitely recommend Kurtis Loewig. Thank you Al & Susan .
Paul L.
We highly recommend Jermaine B. We had an emergency drain issue. When he arrived he was faced with obstacle after obstacle which he calmly problem solved to determine the cause of our issue. He was courteous and careful throughout the process. A great ambassador for Hy-Pro!
Bill B.
I highly recommend Hy-Pro. The customer service we received from Dan was second to none and he exceeded our expectations. From the moment he entered our house, after first asking politely if he could enter, Dan impressed me with his professionalism. He obviously had our best interest in mind and I will not hesitate to use Hy-Pro again.
Michael M.
Sheldon was very professional and organized. We will finally be able to finalize our dishwasher installation! Thank you, Sheldon.
Brenda C.
Called Hy-Pro on Wed. to replace water shut off tap at the metre. Connor came the next day and gave us an estimate to replace shut off and replace our old leaking toilet. Arranged for region water shutoff at the road and came today Monday Feb.5 to do the work. Work is now complete and Connor was very professional .Cleaned up after himself, took all garbage away and we would highly recommend him. We will have him back for future work. Thanks again Connor. Customer service was also excellent and had a fast response when we called.
Kevin J.
very knowledgeable and respectful
Dean Van A.
They Did The Best They Could For Me.
Kevin L
Daniel installed a new sump pump for us. He was professional, efficient and answered all of our questions. We would recommend Daniel for your plumbing needs.
Ashley M.
Very friendly and knowledgeable. So quick and clean.
Lisa C.
Friendly efficient service. Work was completed as requested.
Masharo was amazing. He explained the process thoroughly and did the work quickly. Love! Will definitely use Hy-pro again.
They came when they said they would come. Assessed the problem quickly. Provided upfront pricing estimates. Fixed our problem quickly. Honestly don't know how the service could have been better.
Sean H.
The guys were extremely helpful. Walked us through the issues, laid out our options clearly, and did very good work.
Logrus D.
We were having some issues with our sump pump and had Hy-Pro come out to look for drain clogs as well as inspect the actual pump itself. They were very helpful and courteous and did a full inspection of everything, even fixing some of the weeping tile that was in the culvert that had detached from the discharge pipe. Not only was there no charge for the inspection there was no attempt at an upsell on products or services that we didn't need. I was very impressed with them and they will be our go to for any future issues that we have. Thank you again for helping us out!
Garry L.
I had problem with my kitchen sink drain. The Tech explained what were my best options to resolve my issue.i was given a quote before any work was performed. My issued was resolved, in good time. Thank you to Sheldon Lesperance for your great work.
Jeff S.
Jermaine ,was very personable, and professional. He investigated, and found the issue. He took the time and explained the problem, and the actions to fix it. He was very knowledgeable, and did not rush through the process. Would definitely recommend Jermaine for any plumbing issues you might have.
Ryan K.
Sheldon was awesome. Very professional, knowledgeable, and extremely helpful. Thank you Sheldon!
Debbie M.
Dwayne and Gerald were very friendly, knowledgeable and fixed us right up. Would highly recommend these two gentlemen
daniel H.
excellent service. I recommend Sheldon
Natasha G.
Amazing and quick service! Lucas was very helpful, personable and knowledgeable! Highly recommended! Thank you!!
Caitlin A.
I had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Janice H yesterday to book a service technician out to my place of work and she was extremely kind and professional in booking that and making sure I was well taken care of. I then had to call today to cancel the appointment as we found somebody else. I spoke with Ashley this evening to cancel and she too was extremely kind and professional and passed along the message to hear that she and Janice H were great and that I would call them if I personally have any issues at home. I also just wanted to make it known on here. So I may not have had any actual work done, but based on speaking with those two ladies, I can only imagine the rest of the team. Thanks again ladies. (:
Cindy I.
Sheldon was very professional polite neat and tidy. Great job. Will use them again if necessary
Anne M.
Hy-Pro made the process very easy by dispatching a technician the same day I called.Sheldon did a great job of checking thoroughly through our property for leaks and promptly identified the source of the leak that was driving our utility costs up. He provided several different quotes to ensure my family found the right one we could accommodate within our budget. He was very patient in answering my questions and even helped me carry a delivery package in. Thank you so much Sheldon for coming around and helping us out!
Alex S.
unclogged a stubborn drain using 2 sorts of snakes and vacuum
bryn F.
Caleb was great. Prompt and on time, professional, knowledgeable about plumbing and quick to find our issue. Extremely knowledgeable about the issues we are experiencing and able to provide guidance on how to avoid these issues in future. He was able to bring his manager onto the phone immediately to discuss our options to remediate the problem and we are happy with this service.
Heather P.
Eric N fixed an issue with my tub drain plumbing left over from previous owners. Eric arrived quickly and had the problem diagnosed in minutes. He walked me through the options for the solution step by step explaining the costs for each. He didn't jump right to the most expensive solution which I really appreciated. He answered all my questions and even assessed my sump pump and water shutoff while he was there. Time of arrival to job completion was under an hour. I would definitely use them again - great job.
XY Zhao (.
Eric.N was very professional and his drain cleaning service was fantastic. The pipe in my kitchen was clogged because of heavy grease. Eric showed up on time, explained the issue clearly and provided helpful tips. Finally, the water drains correctly! I will definitely call him for drain cleaning service again.
Jeff T.
Dan and Connor were very professional. Great communication in regards to arrival times and what my options were. I would use this service again. Thanks Dan and Connor.
Ryan M.
I had service technician Massimo . He was quick to respond and fixed our issue promptly as well as reviewing what could be done to prevent the issue from returning. He was friendly and professional. Will not hesitate to use these guys again . Thanks
Andrew P.
Quick, responsive, and professional. He diagnosed the root problem and fixed it! Thank you!
Alejandro did an amazing job. He was very knowledgeable person. Keep up the great work!
Logan G.
Massimo is an absolute chad. Knowledgeable and professional. True man amongst men 💪
Greg M.
Eric was very professional and explained the problem and provided resolution options. The work was performed in a timely manner and the process of payment was easy. My initial service window was not achieved but the office did connect directly. The back office could have been more proactive in this update but remedied it for the rescheduled to same day visit. I have taped their business card to the underside of the sink. Hopefully no future issues, but if so I’ll call on them again! Cost proposition seemed fair.
Steve L.
Massimo arrived on time, thoroughly explained everything and did a great job.
Aaron C.
Eric was great! Showed up quickly and got us sorted. Professional, and fast. Would highly recommend!
Edgar Oliver P.
Eric Nigh is very professional and know what he's doing. Thank you so much,
Helga Z.
Masharo Campbell provided excellent and timely service
Gerri S.
I needed a technician to repair a toilet that was "phantom flushing". Although not an emergency repair, the receptionist at Hy-Pro booked an appointment for me for the day after my call. She kept me informed as to when to expect the technicians to arrive and let me know that there might be a delay. However, Justin L and Brian A arrived at the originally agreed-upon time and quickly diagnosed the problem (a manufacturer's defect in the new flapper we had installed to correct the same problem a couple of months ago). They installed a new flapper in no time, and the problem was solved. Both Justin and Brian were friendly, professional, and courteous. I highly recommend these 2 technicians and the company to those who need good work done.
Paul R.
Masharo provide excellent service. Was informative of issue and cost. Performed corrective action to my satisfaction. Would use again.
Risen S.
Great service from Masharo, would give him 10 stars if I could! Knew what he was doing and gave us great service at a very affordable price. Would recommend HyPro to anyone that needs plumbing help.
Ashish L
I want to thank Lucas for his professionalism as he was in her house on-time and was a thorough gentleman. He assessed the problem, determined the root cause and is a gem of a person.God Bless You, Lucas. Thank you for being humble, keep smiling always :-)
Samuel B.
Massaro CDid an excellent job. Courteous. Took the time to make sure everything was 100%.
Colin V.
Eric N was professional and gave us lots of options. Will use again, thanks
Domenic P
Jermaine was professional, kind and courteous. Would definitely recommend.
Abbas A.
Jerome was very polite and professional. Fixed the issue right away.
Maurice M.
Masharo was very quick and professional. Iwould use this company again
Ariestides R.
Great service from Justin L! Highly recommend the professionalism and attention to detail. Thank you for your service and help.
Peter S.
Gerald Rennie was excellent
Michael V.
Great !! Quick and fast response - realistic estimate and speedy repair !
bruce W.
Good job, and thanks again Justin for the quality of your job
Mariya F.
Daniel was wonderful! Job was done really well. I really appreciated his time at the end when he aligned all the taps for me. Thank You!
John H.
Eric N was very helpful and took the time to explain the issue and outline my options. I thought that the price was very reasonable and will definitely use his services if required in the future.
Great in-depth assessment of issues with our old home. Eric N was very knowledgeable and polite.
Jeannine H.
Great people!
Don F.
Daniel showed up at the appointed time.He went over all the details of what was going to be done along with estimates. He was very courteous and asked all questions I raised. He worked right through until after 6pm to ensure everything was done as requested.
Justin K.
Eric McQueen came out on Canada Day and provided amazing service. Would definitely use again.
Dhaksh B.
We had an issue with our sump pump late at night. The website had a live agent who was able to respond as quick as you typed. I called their number early in the morning. The Customer Service agent was very pleasant and asked if I needed anyone right away or wait until the office opened at 7:30 am. She also advised that an experienced plumber with a fully loaded truck will be able to perform a free diagnosis and offer a no obligation quote. The dispatcher called to inform me as to when to expect the plumber. Eric was the Plumber who was assigned to me. He was able to determine the cause of the issue very quickly. He was very professional and courteous and offered me 3 options including one with backup and pump. He installed the primary pump and the check valve and will be returning to install the secondary pump, the battery backup as well as remote monitoring capabilities. I am waiting to hear back from the company once they have the remaining items in stock to schedule the work. Will update review after completion of the remaining installation.
Cathy H.
Eric N was very helpful!
Susan I.
Eric was prompt,efficient and very personable. We were very pleased with the service and would definitely call again.
Jason H.
A very pleasant experience, Justin was always in contact with us about his arrival time. Came in and did what was asked of him. Professional, clean.Would ask if we needed anything else done. Justin made sure the job was done right and to our satisfaction.Started clean ,ended clean.We will definitely use your services again, and recommend to neighbour's and friends.
Helen M.
Eric N. was very professional and helpful in fixing the shower leak quickly and expertly. We will definitely call him again to help with any plumbing related issues.
Heidi S.
Gerald was very knowledgeable
Chantal S.
Hy-pro has been our go to for any plumbing needs for close to 20 years. Great customer service from the pleasant agent who took the work order, the dispatcher who called to inform me as to when to expect the plumber and of course from their service technician Owen who was prompt, knowledgeable, efficient and courteous. Highly recommend!
Paul C
I called to have someone come out and fix a leaky sink which sits above the counter. They told me someone would contact me between 12-3 once they had a more definitive time which they did. The technician (Joseph K) came out, diagnosed problem and gave me a quote. I had him do the work which was done exactly as he told me it would and fixed my problem. He left the work area spotless which I was very happy with. He proceeded to give me a receipt by email after receipt of payment. I would absolutely recommend him and the company to anyone wanting quality work.Sincerely,Paul
Helga Z.
Eric N installed a new clean out at the base of my stack, now we have access to the sewer which we didn't before! Thanks!!
Fernando C.
We needed an emergency call at 9pm at night. Hy-Pro were the only ones who were able to come in the same night. The technician's name was Eric. He was very helpful and professional.
Greg C.
Masharo completed the service. He was very professional, polite and efficient. He explained the issue, showed the difference in the performance of the part and explained the impact. Recommended for future service. Appointment was scheduled and attended the same day as called.
Oven.D from hy pro did a great job with unclogging my kitchen sink. Meanwhile Caleb was another technician who explained to me about the various options they have for cleaning your drain pipes. Overall happy with their service and was very professional.
Nicole M.
Eric N was great, very honest!
olivia K.
Eric. N, was very helpful through unclogging the toilet that was dealing with tree roots. He identified the problem and unclogged the toilet.
Olivia N.
Eric N was great!
Dianne D.
Caleb was very informative and professional. Great to work with.Thank you 👍
Danny P.
Eric N did an excellent job.
HY-Pro was able to offer several upcoming dates and appointment times to fit around my busy schedule. Dan was very knowledgeable, friendly, and accommodating, and was able to get the job done same-day which I was not expecting. It was hard work and he did a great job, leaving the area spotless.
Mandy M.
Navjot was very professional and did a fantastic job for us!
Meilani Z. S.
We had a flood in the laundry room and Jermaine was amazing. He was very patient with my questions and explained all of the options of fixing the hot water tank issue. Would definitely recommend the company and definitely Jermaine.
James M.
Joseph.K was great. Super friendly, showed up on time, explained the issue and got it resolved within a couple hours.
Excellent work done today by Daniel Ciornei. Very satisfied.Daniel arrived on time, cleaned the drain and left my kitchen very clean.Thanks.
Gerry N.
Excellent service. Very professional. Job was done efficiently and quickly.
David Patrick O.
Owen Dieterich arrived on time and did a great job on our clogged drain pipes in the basement. He was very thorough and courteous in his work. We won't hesitate to call Hy-Pro for all our plumbing services.
Eric N. was great, did an amazing job, quick and thorough
George C.
I had a busted water line Nick arrived on time and found the issue.he was very polite and took the time to do the job wright he also made sure all the water in the house was working before he left I take care of ten homes and will be using this company for all my plumbing issues from know on.
Ann L.
Eric Mcqueen did an aweome job day before Christmas hip hip hurray thank you Eric
Jenn M.
I called the office expecting to make an appointment the following week and was pleasantly surprised to be offered same-day service. I was unavailble that day, so they sent Amir out the next day I was available at time that worked best for me. The service and appointment booking experience was fast and efficient. Amir was fast, and extremely knowledgeable. He made valuable recommendations and we value his opinion. He answered all of my questions. He also went the extra mile to ensure that everything was in good working order under the sink. He worked very quickly and efficiently. As a customer, it means a lot to me when contractors clean up after their work, and Amir was also very neat and left nothing for us to clean or pick up when he was done - Thanks Amir and Hy Pro! Update: Dec 2022: Had a minor leak under the kitchen sink. I called at 8:30, had someone here by 9:00(this time it was Massimo G.), and the problem resolved befor 10:00am. The price was very fair as well. That's two incredible services. I will not be calling anyone else for plumbing needs.
Nancy H.
I was very impressed with this company.Navjot did an excellent job and took the time explaining to me the process from beginning to end,He was very pleasant and knowledgeable and did a great job of cleaning up.I would definitely recommend.Thank you.
Rosanne W.
Navjot showed but in the tinfram promised, identird the problem and worked fir quite some time to resolve I, while keeping up-to-date with progress and our options. Quick response and fair value for the time put in. Would definitely recommend.
Sunil S.
Massaro.C. he was fantastic and done his job on time.
Meg P.
Eric was knowledgeable, polite and thorough in his work. He was very polite.
karen V.
Hy-Pro Plumbing did a great job in our facility. Friendly guys ( Joseph K) great work, and reasonably priced. Highly recommend.
Verna M.
I had a toilet leak and Daniel fixed the problem.He was excellent!
mengly T.
Fast and good service. Owen is polite and professional at his job. My kitchen sink is no longer clogged. Thank you
Rowel Tatlonghari J.
Fast ,clean and very professional. Navjot was awesome!
Hossein Yousef P.
Joseph knight is a super professional tech with an extensive knowledge . What I like most is he is an creative who find the best solution in troubleshooting and save your money .
Natasha I.
Fantastic and professional service provided by Justin.
Clara B.
I had a second time service from HY-Pro Plumbing & Drain Co.At his time, Joseph re-installed my kitchen water faucet, and he was a friendly competent plumber.I am happy that I called HY-Pro Plumbing & Drain Co. for the second time.Thank you very much again for your services!!
Graham W
Great experience. I had a leak from my toilet and Michael was available to come out that evening, he arrived just when he said and had it fixed in no time.
Julia Y.
Very nice guy, very efficient worker
Vicky V.
We had sewage water back up in the basement bathroom and Navjot Lumb was our saviour. He was very professional, came on time, explained and showed us the cause of the the issue and had it fixed. Thank you again.
Aman B.
Professional and courteous experience. Knowledge advisor. The person on the phone accomodated my time request.
Jack C.
Very professional and polite, was in and out quickly
Dan B.
Masharo did an amazing job. Thank you so much
Jefferson F.
Needed emergency service on a Sunday morning. Called at 11AM, service tech was there by 1PM, problem completely resolved by 3PM. Responsive, punctual, professional and very clearly explained the problem to us and how we could avoid it in the future. Price was VERY reasonable. Fantastic service and highly recommend.
David C.
Called on a long weekend, and they were able to sent someone out in 2hrs. Navjot was professional, offered valuable recommendation and able to resolved the issue promptly.
Jonathan H.
Personable and extremely friendly, we have Michael C as our repairman, highly recommended.
Shannon M.
ReynaldoV was very friendly and professional when he came to replace seized water valves. He answered some additional questions I had about the pipes, and put me at ease about my mini plumbing emergency. As someone who lives alone I appreciate the friendliness of professionals who come into my home. I felt comfortable and rec'd quality workmanship.Highly recommend ReynaldoV!
Mafalda P.
I really recommend Hy -Pro services. They are friendly and really professional. Was on time, and Joseph did everything he could do to fix my shower plumbing problem. Joseph K. Thank you for your hard work.
Laurie O.
Joseph Knight was professional and punctual. Well done job !
Fabio M.
Gerald was professional straight forward and a great teacher on how to maintain what he has fixed. Thank you for your help
Brad B.
Service tech Gerald was great,laid out what likely problem was and what the best solution would be.Also advised me on future issues that may have to be addressed.Happy with work that was done.
Andreas K.
Michael C. Was courteous and knowledgeable. He did a great job!Dr. K.
Robert D.
Justin Lee responded very quickly to our request to understanding why our shower was only providing extremely hot water. Justin quickly determined our Riobel temperature cartridge was defective. He did a search of suppliers and found the cartridge number and was able to install the replacement in a manner of minutes.Justin is very professional and highly customer focused
Judy K.
Navjot Lumb was very helpful, he explained our options and the pros and cons and made recommendations. He worked through his lunch and stayed till everything was in good working order! Great job would recommend him!
Chris L.
Gerald was awesome! explained all the options and what he recommended. He was very professional and empathic toward my situation. He explained in detail everything he was going to do. He even cleaned up a bunch of the sewage in my basement. I couldn't ask for a better service tec
Nav P.
Masharo did a really good job fixing our pipe. Great work would recommend again
Robin N.
Gerald was very responsive and patient and spelled out the options very well!
Nancy S.
Gerald was very efficient and professional
Jeff R.
Gerald was very professional and helpful. Will definitely use him again in the future.
Kevin M.
Gerald and Edwards were very professional in the execution of the work I requested. The were also patient in explaining what needed to be done to replace the cartridge in my shower as well as they discuss the risks they identified. I could see they were experienced in what they do and I would definitely use there services again.
Brad K.
Gearld was very professional 👏
Gail F.
It was a big job and Connor and others were very professional. They came when they said and called when delayed. Everything was cleaned up before they left. Very impressed. We would definitely use them again. Would definitely recommend them.
N K.
Gerald was very knowledgeable and completed the jobs in a timely manner.
Patricia S.
Gerald was very helpful and answered all my questions! Thank you.
Vipul V.
Sunny was here to help us with the drain unlocking. Very professional and on time. Gave us good tips as well for future and what we can do to avoid all this. Highly recommend these guys. They were the only people to help us over the weekend.
Kevin H.
We were very happy about the service provided by David C. from Hy-Pro. He was professional, courteous, and honest. He did extensive tests, and did not leave until he was sure the problem was resolved. Dave was also very knowledgeable, and provided all the information I was looking for, about what may have caused the problem. Thank you David, and Hy-Pro for the great service!
Dana W.
Jason was lovely, efficient and a great representative of Hy-Pro. Will be calling next week for more help!
We needed a quick fix for a leak that was getting worse. They arrived when they said they would and got the job done.
Hiliary J.
Our kitchen pipes exploded in our lower level and where clogged from 30 years of grease and food plugging our pipes. I contacted Hy-Pro for assistance. I found them on-line; read a number of positive testimonials on their professional website and decided to give them a try. They promised to have a plumber to our home within one hour. Philip arrived promptly. He was polite and analyzed the problem(s) and successfully resolved a series of contributing issues. By the time he left our pipes where cleared. Thank you Philip for a great job and Hy-Pro for your assistance. We would highly recommend the company and Philip the plumber for your plumbing needs.
Donald E.
Taylor worked hard and leaned up. a well done job.
Ian S.
Quick and professional. Got the job done
Jeremy was fantastic from start to finish. He was humble, professional, and very respectful. Considering the times, he came and fixed our water in no time. Our family appreciates him greatly. Give him a raise please.
Anton O
Sunny was great, quick service, reasonable rates
Victoria E.
Excellent service fixed the problem right awayI especially appreciated the call to let me know Eric was on his way to my homeEric was pleasant and knowledgeable that’s exactly what I needed
Michelle Sinclair [.
Thank you to Eric G who provided amazing service today. He resolved our issue for us and he took the time to explain everything to me.
Brett C.
Sunny was quick, informative and fair. Appreciate your help!
I really appreciate the time and effort Eric G. took in trying to solve our plumbing issue. He was both professional and courteous and I would recommend him and Hypro to anyone.
paula C.
Hy-Pro was the best plumbing company.I would highly recommend them and David who came over was so professional and friendly and efficient.Also very good clean up after the plumbing job.I am very happy with the new toilet that was installed.Thank you
Gloria Kremer Girlfriend O.
Mathew was very pleasant and personable and he gave us options to help save on the cost. I would definitely recommend this company. Great service and punctual.
Kimberly H.
Excellent service starting with the person who booked my service call. Had a plumbing emergency and someone came out within an hour. David B. was awesome! He is very knowledgeable and let me know exactly what was required for the repair. I will definitely recommend to anyone looking for a great plumbing company.
Nitin A.
It was a great experience and Sunny was super amazing and knowledgeable. He put the hard yards and the result was a clean and tidy toilet. Cheers.
Riisa W.
David did a great job in all respects. He was informative about what needed to be done. The dispatching for this job was prompt. Much appreciated
Ms. D
Chris did an awesome job assessing my heating problem here in oakville (showed up same day I called)... and fixed the problem to the tee on the second visit. Professional and efficient. The call center is also very diligent. Took the calls immediately and they will get to your concerns without wasting time (thank you, nina).
Peter James K.
Mat V went above and beyond. Even managed to fix the defective faucet I had just bought. 12/10, would recommend.
Fred P.
Cleared the blocked drain quickly. Also explained everything well.
Irene J.
Excellent service. I thought I had two leaks, but Dave knew right away I only had one leak and fixed it in minutes.
Tony A.
Had a big problem and they came out the same day. Jeremy was awesome and very knowledgeable. Would definitely recommend to anyone looking for a great plumbing company.
Pardeep S.
Called around 10 pm for a pipe that had been leaking. Gentleman on the line took all my info an booked me in for the next morning with a 2 hour window. Nick and his team arrived promptly and got the job done quickly without any mess. I like the iPad - paperless invoice and credit card payment made it easy. Would highly recommend Nick and HY-Pro!
Shawn was great. Would recommend him and hypro as they have been to our buisness numerous times.
Kevin C.
Matthew was not only friendly and helpful but also took the time to answer my questions. He has great people skills and a great sense of humour. Would definitely request him in future.
Russta F.
Fast, friendly service from Sunny and the problem was taken care of perfectly!
Osman B.
Matt T. came to look at a leak in some ceiling pipes. Made clean cuts to the drywall without any unnecessary damage and provided us with a full diagnosis of the potential issues. Great service once again.
Shèrida S.
Jesse W is an amazing technician! He is incredibly efficient, reliable and well-versed in the area of residential plumbing!!
Daniel H.
What a phenomenal experience. I had a blockage between my kitchen and laundry room with no luck trying myself. Called Hy-Pro and within hours they were here and within an hour we had the blockage removed. Shawn was friendly, neat and efficient. I will definitely use them again and I would recommend them.
Aninda S.
Fast service by Sunny! Very knowledgeable. Price could be better but quality service.
Julia R.
We had excellent service today from Hy-Pro. They were not only able to fix the broken pipe, but also fixed our sprinkler system in the process. Service was above and beyond from Sunny.
Ahatha L.
Shawn arrived promptlyDid a great job. Thanks
Richard G.
Sunny was excellent. Focused in the finding the problem with no waste in time or money.
Wayne B
Had hypro out to fix a old leaking valve. They came out quick and shawn was very professional and did a good job changing out the old valve.
Tim P.
quick and efficient service
Pamela T.
Dean was excellent. He came to our home for a kitchen sink that was not draining and provided the best customer service. Instead of trying to charge me for an expensive fix, he helped me to try a less expensive option and it worked. He was professional, courteous and very honest. I would highly recommend this company and Dean.
Jeremy was very efficient and prompt service.
Lyn H.
Jeremy was great. Thanks for your help.
Rainer T.
Jeremy was great! Prompt and efficient.
Angela D
Jeremy provided excellent service pleasant manner job well done will call again.Thank you

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